Single and Satisfied?

I said I was going to be transparent, right? That may have been an understatement.

Gen 2:18: The Lord God said "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him".

When looking at singleness we often quote the above scripture to support why we shouldn't be single. What we have to realize is singleness is not punishment nor is it bad. I went to Liberty University, the WORLD'S largest Christian you could probably imagine the pressure of marriage that lingered in the atmosphere. "Ring by Spring...Ring by Spring"...that was the common phrase that was heard around campus...meanwhile, I'm struggling deciding what I want for dinner *shrugs*.

I did not date in college...I did waste valuable time on people who didn't deserve it...but no exclusive dating. I "talked" to people (whatever that means) but I couldn't get pass the talking phase. It may have had something to do with settling and not knowing who I was (that's a blog for another day).

As time progressed you kinda get use to your marital status being a topic of discussion at the family gatherings.."Oh, Jaleesa you're still single?" "You know you're not getting any younger, right?"...or my personal favorite, "I'm sorry". As if being single was a terminal illness. This kind of thinking is what traps women (and men) into bad relationships because they would rather have someone than no one at all.  Or is it that we don't want to be single because we don't like who we are?

Too often singleness is a hard principle because we have not come to grips with who we are outside of covenant relationships. Here are some of the thought processes concerning being alone: So, now you're telling me I have to spend time with myself? The self I don't fully like? The self I don't know? The self that I blame for being alone in the first place?

Let me help you real quick: 1) All of us will not get married 2) Just because you're single doesn't mean you're not a good catch 3)There were/are single people who did great works (Yep, while being single) 4) Marriage will NOT fix your problems 5) Believe it or not: These are some of the greatest times of your life. BONUS: *Being alone does not mean you have to be lonely*

So if you're's ok! Write that book, start that business, finish the degree...but don't you dare waste another second worrying about your prince charming (or princess charming? Can I do that)...prayerfully he's (she's) out being great too :-)

-Coach Jaleesa


  1. Absolutely love!! Lol at the "I'm sorry" people tend to say when they realize you're single!! I didn't realize singles causes death Lolol!! Great read sissy! Can't wait for more

    1. Lol people can be silly! Sometimes I'm actually sorry for them...oops lol. Thanks for your support the best is yet to come!

  2. Or "any prospects yet" or "something must be wrong with you" I have even asked people close to me if I stink and didn't know it lol. Enjoyed reading your post Coach !!

  3. Thanks for the reminder it's okay to be Single. Love you Sweetie


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